We recommend watching these videos and short snippets which are from NHSE Systems Leadership Foundations course for an insight into some elements covered:
NHSE SL Course: Systems Leadership snippets – complexity
NHSE SL Course How it works – one simple rule
Systems thinking applied in health – Myron Rogers session in Yorkshire
Systems thinking in action podcast: 12/02/24 –. ‘Systems leadership has to be in everyone’s job description’
System navigators: Practical approaches – Skills and tools for groups to use to work at the boundary while collaborating and designing the future while navigating complexity. This aligns to our work on Coaching (currently in our Exemplar Hub early stages) as boundary coaches/systems coaches. How do we co-design with systems thinking – Design Council
NHSE SL Course How it works – future
Where to start – Myron’s Maxims – start anywhere significant and follow it everywhere
Why we listen to everyone: Myron Rogers sharing Disney’s biggest loss maker – Find out who knew the problem: Hierarchies are there to illuminate (Hirscshorn 1997) , they should not block understanding. We do this with out CoP and big room tech.
Collective Leadership and distributed decision making with structure and Governance framework – Snowden.
Joining the dots Decision making in complexity – reduce energy cost of decision making
Parallel testing before form conclusions Retrospective Coherence : manage in current moment
Decision making example – Distributed Decision making at point of engagement with reality.
Why we now talk about spread not scale
Listen:https://nw.leadershipacademy.nhs.uk/home/resources/videos-and-podcasts/leadership-live/Top listen – what works in systems leadership
Listen, Read, Watch.
Leslie Brissett, Mannie Sher, Tazzie Lorraine Smith (2021) Dynamics at Board Room Level – A Tavistock Primer for Leaders Coaches and Consultants.
Wilfred Bion, 1961 Experiences in Groups. Ackoff, Senge.
Recent publication that pulls together decades of work in organisational development and consulting from the tavistock tradition making it accessible for all trying to use this approach to enhance thier leaderhship practice. The triplogy explains and applies decades of theories from Menzies Lyth, Bion through, 2nd and 3rd generation and to current and invite us to question what is now post modern. Mannie Sher and David Lawlor launched in December and can be found here: to purchase and listen here to the recording Look out for the recordings and free to attend monthly talks on the website to give an insight into what is inside the books to help you.
This fabulous book is highly accessible walk what this looks like and reads like a novel – by Gabriella Braun , who has consulted to hundreds of clients including the British Library, RADA, Tate, Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust, University of Cambridge and Queen Mary, University of London. Holds a master’s degree in Consulting to Organisations: Psychoanalytic Approaches from the Tavistock Clinic; and was a Principal Consultant in the Tavistock Consultancy Service.
Those interested in understanding more about how to work under the surface, in what we sometimes we refer to as the unconsious will find the above an excellent starting point and as a taster into how to work under the surface Leslie explains how group relations works. Those trained in this tradition always have a core element of experiential learning in their programme and attend group relation conferences. These can be attended outwith a programme for those interested in developing this practice. Leslie Brisset Full Clip
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